Friday, February 23, 2024 • 10:15 am - 2:45 pm • Anaheim Hilton
Doors open at 10:00 am
(Pre-Registration is Required by February 2, 2024)

Superintendent, Portland Public Schools & Chair for the Council of the Great City Schools

Director for English Language Learner Policy and Research for the Council of the Great City Schools

David Lai
Manager for English Language Learner Policy and Research for the Council of the Great City Schools

President of New Horizons
in Education

Dr. Christopher Downing
Anaheim Elementary School District Superintendent

Rubí Flores
Director of Professional Learning Services for CABE

Anaheim Union High School District Superintendent

Elodia Ortega-Lampkin
Woodland Joint Unified School District Superintendent

Dr. Raúl Maldonado
Palmdale Unified School District Superintendent & CABE Board President

Dr. Bárbara Flores
Professor Emeritus of CSU San Bernardino, CABE Board Past President & former Superintendent

CABE CEO & Former Superintendent

Ofelia Ceja-Lariviere
CALSA Co-Executive Director & former Superintendent

Martha Martínez
CALSA Co-Executive Director & former Superintendent
What ALL administrators need to know about ELA/Reading
and Biliteracy for EL/MLL/EBL
- The State of ELA/Reading in America – Laws and policies that have and will change the course of reading assessment data analysis, curriculum development, and daily Reading and ELD instruction
- The false narratives about ELA/Reading instruction in California – Struggling readers or inappropriate uses of core and intervention reading programs?
- Dual Responsibility – ELA/Reading and ELD policies and state and federal program alignment
- The Due Process for adopting ELA/Reading curriculum programs – Absence of, misuses, and misunderstandings
- The most current ELA/Reading and Biliteracy research
- How to differentiate reading instruction for all EL/MLL/EBL typologies.
What Does It Take to Lead a District through the 21st Century?
- The mindsets, skills, and tools all administrators need to effectively lead and guide district stakeholders into, through, and beyond 21st century education innovations, mandates, and program implementation.
- How they are taking bold actions to implement the four Principles of the English Learner Roadmap.
- The daring moves leaders make to ensure they provide their culturally and linguistically diverse students with the facilities and resources needed to thrive as 21st Century Globally Competent Citizens.
- The most powerful drivers they use and when to use them.
- How they use their moral compass and vision for the future to lead their districts through the quickening pace of demographic, technological, and societal changes.
- Guidance, recommendations, and suggestions for preparing all district stakeholders, students, and their families for the challenges and opportunities the next two decades will bring.
Throughout this symposium, participants will have the opportunity to engage with our invited guest speakers by asking questions, sharing ideas, and receiving guidance as they develop their tailored implementation plan.
Session Description
Unveil the Future of Literacy & Educational Leadership at the CABE Administrator Leadership Symposium!
Prepare to embark on a journey of knowledge and innovation as we invite you to Administrator Leadership Symposium that bigger and bolder than ever before.
Elevate Your Leadership
Designed exclusively for superintendents, school board members, deputy/associate/assistant superintendents, and other district and site leaders, this symposium will deepen and enrich your understanding of cutting-edge research, transformative policy initiatives, and revolutionary pedagogy through the implementation of the English Learner Roadmap. Learn how to create exceptional, system-oriented, multilingual, multicultural, and biliterate educational environments. Revolutionize your research-based approach to learning and instruction of literacy and biliteracy for emergent bilingual learners!
Session 1: Rewriting the Literacy Story
Exceptional presenters will guide you through multiple decades of the historical context of literacy in the United States and into the vibrant landscape of current research on literacy and biliteracy. Discover how to craft learning environments that deliberately elevate the linguistic and cultural assets of students and their diverse families. It’s about providing authentic contexts that go beyond the Science of Reading to empower every learner.
Session 2: Ignite Your Passion for Change
Revolutionary educational leaders will share their inspiring journeys as the driving force behind their mission to transform education for emergent bilingual learners as they implement the Four Principles of the English Learner Roadmap. Learn how they’re pioneering innovative approaches to the future of multilingual education and opening doors to opportunities for every student. These change-makers and trendsetters in the field will provide you with invaluable insights and strategies to create limitless learning opportunities for all students.
Gather your leadership team and school board members for this dynamic, highly informative, and research-based voyage into the future of educational leadership. Reserve your spot now!
Superintendents, Deputy/Associate/Assistant Superintendents, & School Board Members are eligible for a One-Day Complimentary Pass to the ALS & CABE 2024 Conference on Friday, February 23, 2024 from 10:15 am – 2:45 pm at Hilton Anaheim.
To Register for your Free One-Day and ALS Complimentary Pass, please click here.
Other district and site leaders are welcome to attend the ALS with a paid conference registration, for an additional $75.
Full CABE 2024 conference information and schedule can be found at cabe2024.org/cabe2024_attendee.
For more information, please contact Aida Madison at [email protected].